FCPC Mission
The mission of the Florida Council of Private Colleges is:
1. To promote academic excellence standards of the FCPC which are patterned after our early historical U.S educational institutions of higher learning that equal or exceed the minimum standards of the State of Florida.
2. To promote quality, degree granting, faith based education in Florida that “Keeps the Lord’s testimony above reproach.”
3. To protect the Florida historic, constitutional right of member, faith based institutions to grant degrees without government interference.
4. To represent member faith based educational institutions before any government and/or educational agency.
5. To provide joint legal representation for religious freedom issues that supports the mission and purpose of FCPC. member institutions in Florida.
6. To support and participate in the annual CPCA Certification Commission Christian Education Conference reaffirming quality, degree granting, faith-based education that, “Keeps the Lord’s testimony above reproach.
7. To provide direction through knowledge of support services and resources for FCPC member institutions in Florida to accomplish their institution’s purpose and mission.
8. To provide FCPC web site with services for and recognition for FCPC members and their prospective students, pastors, and supporting churches.
9. To have FCPC Sustaining Member institutions advance their academic excellence standards through certification with the CPCA CERTFICATION COMMISSION see, Home | CPCA Commission (cpca-commission.org).